
JoJoBar - JoJo & Jeff Gemmette

We make healthy homemade protein bars that can be a small meal for women and a healthy snack for men. They are great on the go and before heading to the gym. We do not add or use white sugar or preservatives. Honey and some Stevia are the only sweeteners in the bar. They average about 20grams of protein and the products we use are soy free and gluten free. We use both organic and natural products. Because we do not add preservatives we recommend storing your JoJoBars in the fridge to keep them fresh and extend shelf life.

Products :  Homemade Protein Bar - 9 Peanut Butter flavors; 6 Almond Butter flavors

Phone :   +1 386-589-6872,  +1 518-857-2659

Email :

Market : Saturdays, 7-12 New Smyrna Beach Farmers Market, 210 Sams Avenue, NSB,
Wednesday Pier Farmers Market, 350 A1A Beach Blvd., St. Augustine, 8-12
Coconut Barrel Artesan Market, Mall 2121 US-1, St. Augustine;

You can find them in the JoJoBar Fridge;

Tuesday-Saturday-10am-6pm; Sunday-12-4, Closed Monday

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