It is the purpose of this series, to bring you, the best of ideas to get the maximum enjoyment out of our Product.
It tastes Yummy as a Snack but can be the
perfect side dish to any main Course..
So simple and yet, so attractive as a side. Even kids can be fooled to eat vegetables, because it is crunchy and so tasty and can even be eaten by hand. Cut up and wash a head of Cauliflower, blanche it for 10 minutes in a light saltwater, while you prepare some bread crumbs in a bowl, mix in some parmesan cheese and spice it up with Delicious Noise. Dip the pieces in a bowl of flour, a bowl of whipped eggs and then the breading, put them on a sheet and bake them for 15 minutes at 392 f. and serve this crispy delight with fresh Sour Cream...
It would be wonderful if you were willing to share your own experience and how you used Delicious Noise, with everyone in our gourmet Community and in turn get inspired by some of the ideas you can find here. We would like to share your unique idea with a photo, in this very venue!
Handpicked Sea-Fresh King-Prawns, roasted to perfection and served as main-course!
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